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Tome of Weaves: Tetra Unit

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Profile 45

Description: Tetra Unit is derived from the Ring Interaction Model (R.I.M.). It is a unique 4 ring structure where 1 ring is orbiting around a 3 ring structure called Straight. It can also be seen as adding 1 ring to Orbital Unit. It's possible to capture 1 ball in a Tetra Unit; the orbit ring should be welded in order to accomplish this (bottom pic). Sample is made with stainless steel (top pic). 1 ring size is used: 12swg 1/2" rings are 0 in 1, 1 in 1 or 2 in 1 with 5.72 AR (top pic). If 2 ring sizes are used, this changes the minimum AR requirements and any size sphere can be captured theoretically.

Discovered By & Date: Joshua Diliberto | January 2010
Minimum AR: 5.50
Ideal AR Range/s: 5.50 - 5.80
Maximum AR: N/A
AR Lock: No
Chiral: No
Prime: No
# of Ring Sizes Used: 1
Consistent Ring Ratio: No
Ring Ratio: 0:1 | 1:1 | 2:1
Strength: N/A
# of Rings/Repeating Section: N/A
Cross Section: N/A

R.I.M. Level 4 Structure: Ancestors/Prerequisites: Descendants: M.A.I.L. External Link:

Tutorial/s (Internal Link/s):

Tutorial/s (External Link/s):

Tome of Weaves Documentation: Joshua Diliberto | 8/5/2021 4:05 pm
M.A.I.L. Documentation: N/A
Last Edited (Internal): Joshua Diliberto | 8/5/2021 4:05 pm

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