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Tome of Weaves: Pterodactyl Chain

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Profile 45

Description: Pterodactyl Chain is a chain form of Half Persian 2 in 1 Unit, Barrel formation, on the R.I.M. Each section alternates right and left handed to balance the chain. The larger rings are stacked but can also alternate forming Pterodactyl Gridlock Chain, which can be purely right or left handed but will also twist. Pterodactyl Chain has an AR lock feature; the horizontal smaller rings are kept at the top and bottom of the chain only because of their size. This chain is highly flexible in all directions. The picture sample is made with stainless steel: 16swg 31/128" rings are 4 in 1 with 4.05 AR and 18swg 9/64" rings are 2 in 1 with 3.11 AR.

Discovered By & Date: William Dewar | August 2016
Minimum AR: Variable
Ideal AR Range/s: Variable
Maximum AR: 3.20 for the smaller rings.
AR Lock: yes
Chiral: No
Prime: No
# of Ring Sizes Used: 2
Consistent Ring Ratio: No
Ring Ratio: N/A
Strength: Medium
# of Rings/Repeating Section: 3
Cross Section: Stadium (disco rectangle)

R.I.M. Level 4 Structure: Ancestors/Prerequisites: Descendants:
Pterodactyl Gridlock Chain
M.A.I.L. External Link: Tutorial/s (Internal Link/s):

Tutorial/s (External Link/s):

Tome of Weaves Documentation: Joshua Diliberto | 2/23/2020 10:14:47 PM
M.A.I.L. Documentation: Joshua Diliberto | 8/15/2016 10:16 pm
Last Edited (Internal): Joshua Diliberto | 10/19/2022 3:04 pm

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